Echo Lawrence - September 15, 2020
Caylee Cowan sort of popped out of nowhere, my theory is that she's LA based and that some of her friends are trending models or like other people of her age - TikTok Stars. So she sort of went viral by association. I could be wrong.
I mean she does have an IMDB where she is credited as a producer on at least on Documentary and where she has acted in at least one movie, that could be a straight to streaming (like everything else, but in the traditional sense of the term, you know the "b" movie). So it could have something to do with that.
Or maybe, the internet just likes busty young girls who aren't shy to show off their bodies.
Whatever the reason, she has entered our life. She has also entered Rick Salomon's life as they are romantically involved. For those of you who don't know, Rick is the Paris Hilton sex tape leaker who she has been throwing under the bus while touring her new book, because what he did is seen as evil.
However, I am pretty sure she got paid for her involvement. That's not to say Salomon is a stand-up guy, he's a bit of a degenerate gambler who has plays high stakes games with rich people and wins enough to be rich as hell and being rich as hell, even in your 50s, appeals to ladies like Caylee Cowan I guess!
This is some behidn the scenes of her in lingerie showing off that bod in what I guess is her interpretation of 1940s gilded age of Hollywood, but I could just be making that part up!