Tex Hollywood - November 30, 2020
I am not sure what you call a group of naked women posing together, is it a litter? A gaggle? A grumble? A herd? I think we can just go with "Awesome". I mean getting one girl naked is challenging enough, 5, that's just wild.
It's one of those situations where even if they aren't all the hottest, the fact that they are doing this together makes them exponentially better.
I am not sure what the story behind this shoot is, maybe it's some sort of Asian backpacking trip out of college, to take that year off to teach english, gone right, but I do know that the models are: SHOKO YOSHIDA, KANAKITTY, MADO, MIA V & SABRINA BAYCROFT
story via P MAGAZINE, photographer MATY CHEVRIERE