Tex Hollywood - January 20, 2021
Her name is Ida and you can follow her on INSTAGRAM, where I've been going through her pics to see where she's from and I have inconclusively determined Germany. Now whether she is German or not, doesn't really matter to me, I am more into the pictures in this story than the actual story. So you won't be getting any Country of Origin puns to describe her breasts. I've let down the whole team, I know.
If she was German, I would have ran with "don't you want to cover your bratwurst with her mustard" which is pretty terrible. I'm just going to drive the autobahn out of this post and head back to Ida because she is not terrible.
She definitely has some VERY bold and distinct features. With a face unlike any face I've ever seen, despite being a face and they all sort of look a lot alike, to her body that should live its life in this outfit of no outfit. I mean some naked bodies look amazing naked and this is one of them.
She's posing in nature, she's nude in nature, connecting with nature, naturally and in a lot of ways I feel like I am too!