Tex Hollywood - April 20, 2022
I think when most people refer to Kara Del Toro's Burger and Fries, they are making sexual innuendos and we can't be having that in this era of combating misogyny.
I think when most people as Kara Del Toro what she eats in a given day to have that epic body she's been longtime viral on social media for having, they don't think Burger and Fries. Most social media is gender neutral, anti-biotic free, certified organic camel hump milk oatmeal, or whatever the latest health trend is. Celery Juice anyone?
The truth is, most people want it to be the Burger and Fries, it's some down to earth, knows what's good, even if you could argue In and Out is the Rolls Royce of Burger and Fries therefore the pretentious option, it's still Burger and Fries!