Tex Hollywood - April 3, 2020
Alex Feldman is a Norwegian model who lives in both New York and LA like she is one of those Bi-Coastal celebs. It's how you know they've MADE it.
Despite clearly being hot enough to be an actual model, it seems like she's taken a more interesting approach in her artistic conquests, one that is less about sucking up to brands and bookers and agents, and more about a purer pursuit of stripped down goodness.
The "legit" modelling world is soul sucking, brand oriented, client oriented, to get cast in campaigns to sell products NO ONE needs in a dying and polluted world. It's a rat race where beautiful women compete for the same piece of bread in their figurative jail cells. Like some kind starving soccer team that crashed in the Andes and have to eat each other, only where the brands can drive prices down and play each other off each others insecurities.
When you can go to instagram, build your own audience, collab with your own photogs and create your own vision. You make more money, you get paid and supported by your network, screw the "mainstream" or traditional way. THIS IS THE NOW.
Follow her on INSTAGRAM and this is her Photographer's Instagram