Tex Hollywood - May 18, 2020
Coralie Joos is a strong faced, long and lean model who appears to be from France. She is posing in Black and White for artistic purposes. This is not because she's throwing up her vintage topless photoshoots from the 1950s to get some feedback of what was, now that she's in her 80s, but I have a feeling a handful of bored people on social media are doing exactly that. There is no time like the Quarantine to scan and release all their OLD images from a pre-internet time, especially if you were hot back before the internet and old now.
Like a country song, Coralie Joos has kept her hat on as she lays in the sad topless in jean shorts and I appreciate that down to earth, literally down in the earth vibes!
You can follow her on INSTAGRAM where she documents being a model, a mom and a designer but I think you'll prefer this shoot of hers.