Tex Hollywood - December 4, 2020
Her name is DASAHA Levkovich and she seems to be an amazing nude model from TEL AVIV, or who lives in TEL AVIV, I can't confirm or deny that she was in the IDF, and that she's not just a tourist.
She calls herself a shameless model, which is pretty amazing to me, because I like the self awareness and I don't think shameless self promotion is a bad thing. But when you say "look at this girl being shameless with her nudity" everyone thinks you're saying it as a negative, when you're trying to say "Keep doing it, it's awesome".
I don't think their should be shame in shamelessness, maybe that new word we need is "LESSNESS". We could say LESSNESS is More...I don't know, I'm spitballing here.
No one needs to justify being hot, knowing they are hot, thinking they are hot, or getting naked to show off those believes for personal gain, monetary gain, spiritual gain, etc.
With that said, check out the latest post Dasah put up on her IG, WILD!
This is a shoot of her's I came across and thought was great!