Tex Hollywood - May 10, 2021
Her name is Kyd Nereida and she's got INSTAGRAM where she posts pretty great videos like this:
According to her instagram she's a movie character and I don't know how true that is, but one could argue that we are all movie characters living in this simulation, but that's a bit too new age and weird for me, I'm more of an audience member.
She is also a performer, or musician, or singer, I don't really know what you call pop stars before they are pop stars, I just know that there's a lot of unknown talent out there that actually makes great music. I am not saying Kyd Nereida is one of them, but when you see photoshoots she does in building her brand, or documenting her life, because not everything is about branding, monetizing and clout chasing, even if it seems to be. Sometimes people do things for the pure reason of just enjoying it.
In this shoot, she's rocking fishnets with nothing underneath, posing with animals, showing some flexibility, all from the comfort of bed and I think it's a lot of fun for a Monday Morning. Great energy, Great Vibes.