Tex Hollywood - August 6, 2021
This is a photoshoot of a model named Alicia, who you can follow on her INSTAGRAM by photographer Marcel Boer.
I called it luxury in my title because it reminds me of being in a hotel room after a wedding, or some other fancy event a babe would have to get dolled up for. You know, an exclusive look into the getting ready for the event or the coming hope to get to bed after the event, and both things are great things to be a fly on the wall for.
I realize it is a produced photoshoot, she's posing, but there's a level of voyeurism that allows us to experience this with her, plus there's a lot of pantyhose being showcased on a body you'd want to see in pantyhose. Not to be dramatic, but I'm in love.
This was spotted and borrowed from the people at C-HEADS