Tex Hollywood - September 1, 2021
You don't need to be a horse to lay out in a field and bask in the fresh air and sun, you can also be a hot nude model getting all the Vitamin D you need as you connect with the great world we are all citizens of!
We are so consumed in buying crap we don't need, paying bills we shouldn't be paying, totally disconnected from the TRUE human experience.
I think these nude models in nature are the ULTIMATE reminder of how we need to get outside, go rural, and enjoy all the natural beauty available to us. It's far more stimulating than any video game or movie, especially with a hot model like Tamara Prince posing nude in it.
The models name is Tamara Prince, she is in Biarritz France, and this is her instagram where the skinny beauty needs more followers.
These are shot by a photographer named Servan Edern Llyne