Tex Hollywood - July 16, 2020
Anastasia Ditmar seems to be a model and a photographer and is building out separate accounts for each.
I don't really care what she is, or what she identifies as because I just want to see more of her in photoshoots because she's hot. I guess the fact that she's a photographer is great, so that as long as she's alive she can be self sufficient to capture her best moments, even if photography as a job is dead since we've all been blessed with these tracking devices that record all of our ideas, thoughts and conversations, but that also have high tech cameras built in.
What I am saying is that everyone is a photographer now and the more cameras out there the better so that we can come across people we'd never come across because they are based in Russia like this Anastasia! Aweosme.
You can follow her on Instagram Just SMASH THIS LINK BUTTON