Tex Hollywood - December 28, 2020
This may not be the holiday imagery you are looking for, but Christmas is over and I hope you all had a great time, whether it was defying the COVID social distancing laws, because nothing gets in the way of Christmas, or whether you were on ZOOM with your loved ones, pantless and excited to spend the day totally alone doing what you do when you are totally alone, in realizing that this whole COVID thing is actually kind of relaxing, as you realize that people are inherently lazy and the whole traveling to see family being eliminated from the equation was nice and peaceful.
This may be a different kind of holiday imagery you may be looking for because it reminds you of when you'd go on Tropical adventures for New Years, as people do.
But you should just be happy to see a hot nude model posing in Black and White, as it is timeless and relevant every day of the year!