Tex Hollywood - May 5, 2020
The alternate title for this was "Cynda Mcelvana The Best Hitchhiker Ever", because I know and you know if you were driving down a deserted highway in the Mojave Desert and something as good as this was on the side of the road in the middle of nowhere, you'd take your chances. All those lessons taught to not trust strangers because humans are inherently evil, or all those horror movies you've seen with predators who bait you in, before they terrorize you. The story of "girl with broken down car" waving you down to help her, only to be shot by her boyfriend, is a tale as old as time, but all that would be thrown out if you came across this naked body trying to get to Vegas, even knowing all the Casinos and hotels are closed because you watched that Anderson Cooper interview with their Mayor.
I went with post apocalyptic, because ever desert shoot reminds me of some Mad Max era of the world has no water and the water we do have is run by some evil corporation. The blown out mattress, truck and camper....just speaks perfectly to that.
What is also perfect, Cynda Mcelvana.
I may have posted them before, but I've seen 1000 shoots like this so I figure why not post em again!
You should follow CYNDA Mcelvana or the photographer MARIN TROUDE on instagram by clicking their respective links!