Tex Hollywood - January 4, 2021
Disney is the industry leader in talent. It is the number one place for someone to develop learn the industry ins and outs. It's the place to hone their skins and can become multi-level talent in various fields. It's the crash course or college equivalent these young starlets are put through to get their degree in entertainment.
I have heard from producers that Disney kids are the most professional to work with, people who have a genuine love for the industry and an understanding of the industry that allows them to make all their dreams come true. I mean, it is the happiest place on earth after all.
I would assume that the producers who praise the Disney kids as being the best to hire probably never worked with Lindsay Lohan and the other terrors that have come out of Disney because being a child star is traumatic for some, we can appreciate that.
We just appreciate the later in life work some of them do as they start to get into more serious nude roles.
The good people at Mr Skin have put together the best of Disney Kids getting naked, which doesn't include this generation of Disney Kids getting naked and selling their nudes, it's a more traditional approach!
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