Echo Lawrence - April 6, 2020
As much as I despise everything about the Kardashians, I'll still look at the pics Kendall is instructed to post of herself in her panties. Whether the images are for publicity, or to generate hype, or an ad for whatever brand paying them WAY too much to take a selfie, I'll still look.
We don't need to breakdown all that is bad about the Kardashians, all that is disgusting about the Kardashians, how their success is really just a mirror to all that is wrong in our society.
We don't need to fixate on how plastic they are, how they all have had surgeries to tell their money grubbing storylines, with their own staff plastic surgeons who may or may not have been the team that turned Bruce into Caitlin, at least genitally.
Apparently, genitally is a word. That's amazing, and here's Kendall barely covering her genitally for the fans, because why not do slutty selfies if you've got nothing else going on. Celebrate those panties, encourage others to share their panties, and for someone who only saw panties if I really tried while growing up, you know because girls didn't show everyone their panties on the regular, they'd been embarrassed if you even saw panty strap, this is beyond obscure. Basically, the best Twilight Zone ever where the evil demon is a family from Calabasas.