Tex Hollywood - November 23, 2022
This is exciting! Model KILO BALANCE is in an Austin, Texas Penthouse. This is some Lone Star state talent bringing another side of what Texas has to offer and as much as I like the Cowboy Rancher stereotype, I'm ok with some Urban Cowboying, especially when it looks like this.
The reason this is exciting is because the majority of these hipster, artsy, high concept, nude or near nude shoots by lesser-known models and photographers for lesser-known publications, are shot in Eastern Europe or other parts of the world.
I don't say lesser-known models, photographers and publications in a negative way, I far prefer the independent up and comer to the old, established, corporate propaganda. If anything the new or lesser known is what gets ripped off by the established and when it comes to half naked models, it doesn't really matter, since we're just glad it happened!
This was shot by photographer for NAKID ONLINE