Tex Hollywood - June 17, 2020
I don't know anything about this model, besides her name being "KIM" which may or may not be her actual name, but if you know anything about her, let us know because we've been working on some love songs we'd love to sing to her, even though we don't know how to sing, and by we, I mean me, I just don't like taking responsibility for being creepy...diffuse it by inventing allies.
The photographer BODY BY VAUGHAN who you can clearly see has a keen eye for amazing bodies, brings this hotness our way reminding us that the only "on the rocks" we get during this travel ban time, not that we travel, but we could in theory which was enough to fantasize about it, so the only "on the rocks" we get is in our hard liquor to medicate from the pain of not being on the rocks with babes like this Kim girl.