Tex Hollywood - May 27, 2022
The model is named Najlepsza which is a name I've never heard before, but that doesn't mean it's not common, it just means I'm a close minded, uncultured, lug of meat who doesn't get out much. I'm ok with that accurate assessment.
It seems like it could be Polish, but can you really trust Google to give us all the answers we need. I can't.
In this shoot, featuring the uncredited, wild named, Najlepsza, you will see the model under some soft lighting, in what looks like a dreamy country setting, like an old farm house. It makes me feel like she's in one of those places that takes you back 100 years when things were a little more simple. Just unwind and relax.
Which the model, Najlepsza, is doing in her panties.
This was shot by photographer Mateusz Żurowski , who is Polish, so I guess Google was right after all!
Story via NAKID