Tex Hollywood - January 26, 2021
Her name is Natalia Sobieska and you have probably never heard of her, but that doesn't mean she's not the future of all things good in this world, it just means she hasn't hit that critical mass, which is precisely why she's so amazing at this point in her career. She can either go fully viral, or never officially happen, but basked on her INSTAGRAM where she posts things like this:
I am pretty hopeful for her. Not to mention, this shoot from phototographer MIRON CHOMACKI is pretty great.
She's in an apartment, being pretty casual, in various outfits that she looks amazing in and it sort of makes your apartment, house, or wherever you live pretty shitty, since models like this aren't in it posing like this.
Luckily, we have the pics to live it, without actually living it!!