Tex Hollywood - November 2, 2021
Taylor Brumann and you can follow her on INSTAGRAM and probably should, because when you go through these pictures you're going to realize that this is the real deal.
This shoot by Ana Dias is amazing and seems to be for the iconic PLAYBOY .
I'm not going to lie, Playboy has been a huge disappointment for a billion dollar brand for the last 15 years. Hef dragged it through the mud in his final days and as the torch was passed onto his successors they scrambled or navigated the woke world in a terrible way.
What they should have done was double down on the hot nude shoots now that more and more women are getting naked on the internet, yet they announced "NO MORE NUDITY" was weird times.
When I first saw this shoot, I was excited, I didn't know it was for Plaboy but I said to myself "FINALLY, THE KIND OF CONTENT I LIKE"....a story, a babe, bright shot, with props like dune buggies and surfboards, I mean, that's the direction WE need to see.
The photographer who is clearly sent from above to grace us with good content also posted this video of the shoot on Youtube....
Let's hope for more of this kind of thing, now's as good a time as any!I saw this originally posted by the keen eye over at IN THE RAW .