aldo-vallon - September 14, 2017
When a person is that petite how much does the addition of two nipple piercings affect their overall bodyweight? When one is obese it would be like a drop in the bucket, or a couple dimes dropped in the Salvation Army bucket. But when you are already so light it must make up a much larger percentage of your weight. And that is not even mentioning the strain on your back from the added weight. I remember when I had a medal placed around my neck I nearly fell over. It was not my medal, of course, but that of my brothers. He was the one with the "talent" and the "dedication", they always said it like being able to beat Tetris was not considered a talent.
At least she has both nips done. I have never been able to understand how someone could settle with just one. It would make me feel so lopsided. I think it would make it hard to walk a straight line, I would always veer off one way or the other. Maybe it is the pain that makes them quit after just the one. Yeah, now that I think of it, it has to be the excruciating pain.
Photo Credit: Cristian Ingrosso