aldo-vallon - August 16, 2018
This is an instance where I cannot bring myself to blame the manufacturer for the products failure. This time it is all on Rachel. If the wearer refuses to wear the bikini in the way that it was intended then you can hardly hold the manufacturer liable.
It reminds me of the time my uncle tried suing a bed sheet distributor because the sheets failed to serve as an adequate parachute. Now, I do not fault him for trying to use the sheets as a parachute, the way to the future is paved by the trials of the trailblazers after all, but that is really pushing their capabilities.
In my expert opinion, and I do consider myself an expert in jumping off of things and not dying, I think he strayed from the successful path by not using a higher thread count. I understand why he would want to use the cheap sheets and spare the expensive ones, but there are certain times when a person should splurge. I think roof parachuting is one of those times. I, for instance, would not have jumped with anything less than 400 thread count. You know, the good stuff.
Photo Credit: MEGA