bill-swift - November 29, 2013
There's nothing truly Thanksgiving about this particular Battle of the Boobtastic save for the large number of turkey day puns and metaphors I will likely exploit. Like talking about the hen pecking commencing between Staci Noblett and her cornucopia of chestal goodies and Sabine Jemeljanova, a girl who could make even a Pilgrim feel, well, unpuritanical.
On this day of giving thanks we feel gratefu that assaults of the virtual funbag kind result in perhaps a bit of disappointment, but never any real harm. These are the best kinds of conflicts, where even the loser can be cheered up with a few minutes of high-spirited motorboating. But, alas, even on this day of coming together, we must choose sides. One set of winners, one set of knockers that take home the boobie prize. So, in your humblest of opinions, whose ta-ta's reign supreme?