bill-swift - January 9, 2014
Oh, happy days when our alt-goth brunette au natural girl Mellisa Clarke appears atop our very favorite locale, the bar, to begin taking off her clothes and flashing her perfectly pert puppies to help slake our thirst. Mellisa understands the fine art of the understated tease. No big fake smiles, just the cool look of a girl saying, maybe you can have me, maybe you can't, I shall be the one deciding that. I really do love that look, especially when attached to such a killer body.
On Wednesdays, as we reach the pinnacle of the work week, study week, and prison work release program week, we take a minute to reflect upon the glorious lady humps that make becoming productive worthwhile in the first place. Mellisa Clarke makes me want to build a castle from the ground up, with a castle keep where just the two of us can hold up for years with nothing but our sweaty passions to feed us as marauders attempt to violate our gates. Actually, that might be me violating Mellisa's gates. Nevertheless, I need to build that castle. Huzzah!
(Be sure to check out a ton more Mellisa Clarke on her official site.)