brian-mcgee - October 23, 2017
I remember going to see The Thomas Crown Affair in 1999 and my dad complaining that it wasn't as good as the original. Considering all I wanted to see was Rene Russo topless, I got all I needed out of it, but now I find myself rejecting the old in favor of the new.
When I first heard the name Julia Crown, I thought there would be no way she'd live up to the Thomas Crown Affair, but she's not only way better, I prefer her to that movie any day of the week. I think it's because she looks amazing nude and, as good as TCA may have been, it only had two Rene Russo topless scenes. This is like a dozen fully nude pics and some teasing ones too!
It's hard to argue against Julia Crown being better than The Thomas Crown Affair. In fact, I think it's virtually impossible to do so, no matter how much you like that movie. Julia Crown's Affair is one of the nude variety, and given a choice between that and anything else right now, it's not exactly much of a contest, is it? Enjoy!