brian-mcgee - October 25, 2018
The blazer with no shirt underneath is not a good look for a guy, but on a woman, it can be one of the sexiest things imaginable. Just look at Gigi Hadid in this pink blazer that is clearly helping us to see her right breast as she is aided by some assistants on a photo shoot.
Usually the pictures of pictures thing doesn't do it for me, and I'd be inclined to say we should wait for the official pics to come out, but it's doubtful they're going to include Gigi Hadid's bare right breast in any of these pics. It's something just for the paparazzi and, by proxy, you the viewer.
They'll use photoshop and whatever other creative means they have at their fingertips to keep us from seeing Gigi Hadid's awesome right breast, but we've beat them to the punch this time around. Take that advertising world! We're finally getting back at you!
Who knows, maybe there's a topless indoor part to this photo shoot we haven't seen yet, but something tells me that when these pics of Gigi Hadid finally get officially released, we can all scoff, turn up our noses, and say, "Seen it." What a day that will be!
Photo Credit: Backgrid USA