michael-garcia - September 8, 2016
I'm personally not into bondage, but these kinky topless pics of Anastasiya Schlegova are something else. She's wearing just some bondage gear and a smile in these pics. Her large supple bosoms hanging out for all the world to see. Anastasiya has some truly tremendous Russian onion domes, if you get my meaning. I would personally like to rest my face between them and go to sleep. They are better neck support than any expensive contour pillow. Anastasiya is quickly becoming a favorite here at Ego All-Stars. She's been showing up on our desks a lot lately. It's easy to see why. She's friggin' gorgeous.
Russian chicks are like that though. They either looks like Anastasiya or like Boris Yeltsin in a wig. Those are the two extremes. The part of Brooklyn I live in has a lot of Russians and it is always a delight.
Photo Credit: Lech Kim