aldo-vallon - November 4, 2018
The life of a prostitute has got to be thrilling. Every night they do not know whether they are going to come across a high schooler who is looking to lose his virginity, or the next Ripper. Those kinds of occupational hazards make me really think the whole prostitution field needs to look into unionizing. I do not think their pimps even provide them with dental insurance, which is just appalling. How can they not see that sort of thing as an investment in their business. No one is going to be paying top dollar for a prostitute with terrible teeth.
With how many movies have been made about prostitutes I wonder if any of the actresses have taken a method approach to getting inside the mind of their characters. I feel like I would have heard about it if any had. Every time an actor’s weight fluctuates by more than fifteen pounds I have to hear them be lauded as a true master of their craft, so I would think the media would be all over someone actually taking cash for sex.
I wish I could find a way to make money when I train for a job.