brian-mcgee - February 27, 2018
I hate saying that Playboy has a "type," but the second I laid eyes on Kristen Nicole I thought to myself, "Oh yeah, she belongs in Playboy." There's something about petite, big breasted blondes that will always be Playboy's bread and butter—barring them sexually shooting a baguette with a pat of butter on it. It seems almost obvious to state, but Kristen's got a body that was built for Playboy and now the magazine's proving they have a type by featuring her.
I guess when it comes right down to it, every guy's type is a petite, big breasted blonde. I mean, who would look at Kristen nude and think, "Nah, not my type." It's like that line in the comedy classic Kingpin when Vanessa Angel tells Woody Harrelson that she's "every guy's type." I believed it when she said it and I believe it again as I apply the statement to Kristen.
On the outside chance that you look at Kristen and think she's not your type, I would advise you to reevaluate your classification system. There's plenty of room for a girl this beautiful in such a broad categorization, plus I know she's just aching to prove you wrong!