Cara Delevingne’s Cheeky Nude Selfies

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Echo Lawrence - February 17, 2020

Model and rich kid Cara Delevingne took a break from being a busy fashion week model by relaxing on her balcony, catching some sun while totally nude. Lucky for us the model snapped these two pictures of her nude body in the reflection of the window. Of course she kept the good bits covered but did expose her perfect model breasts in the images.

Cara celebrated Valentine’s Day with her lover, actress Ashley Benson and shared a photo of the pair kissing with the following caption, letting us know that the kiss has to do with a campaign called “Kiss Cancer Goodbye”.

“A kiss with a cause. This Valentine’s Day when you share a photo of you and a loved one— a significant other, a friend, a pet—you can also raise awareness and help create a future with more survivors thanks to @su2c #KissCancerGoodbye campaign ❤️

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