bill-swift - March 26, 2014
With so much production and post-production put into so many modeling sets, this killer photo set of hot U.S. native supermodel Cora Keegan shot by Chris Shintani is more than refreshing, it's downright pleasantly painfully hot. Core provides the epic bodily skills, natural in design, while Chris provides the simply marvelous captures of her inner and most definitely outer beauty.
Seeing these pictures it's easy to imagine hot young models hanging out mostly nekkid in their New York lofts being all catty and playful. Naturally, they kiss a lot to be teasy and steal each others panties and talk about boys they think are so cute. I'm pretty sure that's how it goes down. My dreams are rarely far off from reality, well, except the part where Cora gathers all her topless model friends around to tell them about a boy named Bill with whom she's smitten. I'm still calculating the odds on that one. Let's just call them fairly long for now. Enjoy.