aldo-vallon - September 6, 2017
Photo Credit: CR Fashion Book
My dog once found a nest of baby moles in the yard that were cuddled up just like the people in the picture. For their sake I hope they have a happier end to their day than the moles did. Once my dog rooted them out he made quick work of them and really showed us all what a terrier was capable of.
If they are going to spend a lot of time rolling around in that grass I hope they had the sense to put on some bug repellant. Who knows how many ticks are lurking in that yard? At least she is naked, that should make checking for any of the little blood suckers fairly easy. And she has a partner to search her back for her. Do you have any idea how hard it is to inspect your own back? The last time I had to I ended up using a series of lined up mirrors like I was exploring some ancient ruins and needed to harness the power of the Sun. Remember kids, Lyme disease is not a joke.