bill-swift - December 22, 2015
I get many emails from many people some of whom aren't threatening me with bodily harm at any given time. Thanks for the notes, mom. One of the more common letters involves the whereabouts of my once belusted, well, ever belusted, but missing from the scene Emily Agnes aka Emily Shaw, she of the most brilliant bodacious funbags that provided fun for the entire family, or just dad, on so many occasions.
The short answer is, I don't really know. But I do know why people are asking the question. Take a gander at this little trip down mammary lane with Emily and see if you don't begin your own investigation as to her whereabouts. These kinds of most epic chest puppies don't just grow on trees, or in litters for that matter. If the Mona Lisa went missing, Louvre Security would be on it. So too am I. In my most lazy kind of not working too hard kind of way. Check out Emily, feel the spirit move within you, and help search. Enjoy.
Photo Credit: "Well Built"/"Striking Again"