bill-swift - December 12, 2014
It's time. The every seventh day chest conquering gala we like to call the Battle of the Boobtastic. That once a week permission slip for girls to exercise their competitive juices with their hands down at their sides and me looking to capture those juices in a mason jar and save for a lonely day. This week's contestants in the finest funbag competition this side of my Uncle Joe's GILFs galore setup out by the old highway. are the newly blonde streaked Holly Peers, a true champ of the chestal skills, and Lucy Collett, a redheaded ball of fluffy wonder who I'd shank any one of you in the showers for two minutes and eleven seconds of conjugal time.
These two lades are both deserving of more than anything we could ever give them. Still, let's hand one of them a victory today in the Battle of the Boobtastic. In your savant opinion, whose ta-ta's reign supreme?
Photo Credit: Page 3 Online