bill-swift - July 11, 2013
You'd not be shocked to learn that every single one of our ten billion or so readers has a different favorite special virtual ladyfriend. So, not matter who I bring to you as the near ideal of sextastic perfection, somebody out there gets angry that it's not his nighttime sleep time squeeze I'm delivering. Which could be seen as annoying, but I happen to find it a tremendous opportunity to bring an even wider berth of beautifully bare feminine forms to your attention.
Case in point. Britty glamourous hot bodied type, Laura Hollyman. EgoReader 'Gus' has certain feelings for Laura that can only be described as somewhere between a grade school crush and a darkly sinister stalking obsession. Right there in the sweet spot. On this middle of the week bump in our weekly lady humps presentation, how can I not oblige Gus who stands on a ledge somewhere awaiting to see Laura betwixt the pages of this humble publication. Plus, I mean, just look at Laura Hollyman. Oh, so damn delicious. Gus, you are no fool. Huzzah!
(For a full dose of Laura Hollyman, do check out her official Laura Hollyman hotness site.)