earl-jonas - November 7, 2019
TENNESSEE GOTHIC from Jeff Wedding on Vimeo.
We love to poke fun at terrible movies that stream on Amazon Prime (remember, anyone can upload practically anything to Amazon Prime Video) but it's not really fair on our part. There's another platform out there with even fewer quality standards, and that gents is Vimeo. It's so good you won't believe it's not porn. Because spoiler: It is.
This is where people who have fallen through the cracks of society can showcase their movies, and today we're really loving 2019's Tennessee Gothic. It's your typical horror/sex comedy mashup that seems to be very popular on The Upside Down of the film world - Amazon Prime Video and Vimeo. Star Jackie Kelly has a terrific body and she shows it off in typical Vimeo fashion - even going epically full-frontal while greased up and then chased like a pig. Jackie, never switch agents.