bill-swift - February 23, 2016
When Lacey Banghard puts her mind body and soul and especially body into a sweet bit of striptease goodness, you will feel it from the tips of your toes to all your other tips and the spaces in between. She's just particularly good at what she does. Which is bring all over smiles to the ogling gentleman of the world who blessedly say thank you in between heavy breaths.
Lacey's latest incantation is that of a pool side sextastic glamour model using her mammarial goodness to move the tingling spirit. Lacey was once a Page 3 Idol winner and her talents have only heightened since the days she held the crown. Just stare deeply and intently into the heaven sent topless racktastic of this brunette princes and see if you don't want to start building a castle with a moat to keep anybody who would take Lacey away from you at bay. She's an inspiring figure to say the least. Enjoy.
Photo Credit: Lacey Banghard
When Lacey got down to the business of getting down...