bill-swift - July 23, 2015
Did somebody say Lacey Banghard topless cowgirl? At least three of those words even alone would get me to look. Altogether, I've just booked off 30 minutes in my leering calendar for a solid catatonic stare. The striking pillowy blessed brunette sure does know how to bring out the yahoos and yee-haws in a man whilst watching her strip out of her tops.
Lacey and her Britty bodacious topped friends are like the gum drops on top of the goody goody. I just smile broadly every time I see them. Until I notice the librarian lady is looking at me funny and approaching to see if my computer monitor is displaying any untoward material. I'm pretty fast with the keys. You'll never get me, evil librarian lady. You, Lacey Bangard, you can have me any time. Cowboy up. Enjoy.
Photo Credit: Lacey Banghard