bill-swift - January 16, 2017
On the off chance you happen to dig tall and hot and blonde and perfectly bodied young Russian models with absolutely stellar legs and funbag, you might just pay attention to Masha Gutic. Masha tried out for SI Swimsuit this year and while still waiting for her results in that airbrushed bikini photo collage, why not absorb her ridiculously sextastic body in nothing but boots. I mean, that's rhetorical. The answer is self-evident.
In this very simply, yet memorably tingle inducing Igor Oussenko photoshoot, Masha shows you why she's destined to make it big in the West like many of her Russian model predecessors. Something about the way the camera loves her. And more importantly, the way the gentleman oglers lust her deeply and thoroughly. It's a solid foundation for success if history is any measure. Welcome to our visual landscape, Masha. Grab a cup of tea, wait for it to cool, then let us watch you pour it slowly down your bare fun side. That's sort of the way new people say hello here. Enjoy.
Photo credit: Igor Oussenko