aldo-vallon - August 22, 2017
Mai oh Mai does Melissa look good sprawled out on the beach. If she was in need of CPR I would not even worry about getting one of those protective masks first, I would go straight mouth to mouth. If there was a beached dolphin beside her and I could only save one of them, I would choose her. That would be hard decision to make given our alliance with the dolphins, but I would make it none the less. For those not aware we have a treaty with the porpoises where they have agreed to protect us from sharks and we try not to kill them so much. Rescuing them on the beach is a gray area, but I do not think they would hold me accountable in this situation. For all I know the dolphin might have beached itself trying to give Melissa mouth to mouth. It is an honorable dolphin for sure and I will see that it is given a funeral with high honors. What is the highest award a dolphin can be given? Is it eligible for the Presidential Medal of Freedom? Because if anyone deserves one this hypothetical dolphin does.
Photo Credit: Glen Krohn