brian-mcgee - December 9, 2017
Micaela Schäfer in Boobswatch from Sven Fuchs on Vimeo.
Do you like porn parodies but hate the porn? Well, we've got a video for you starring heart-shaped nipple having model Micaela Schäfer that walks right up to the door of porn parody, but doesn't go inside. Literally. Micaela's particular genetic deformity makes her a prime candidate for a decent Jukebox Selects, and since this is a video and pictures, you can listen to this hot, hot single while you leaf through the pics!
I wonder what made Micaela decide that the only thing missing in her life was nipples that looked like hearts. It's the kind of snap decision a teenager would make while rebelling against her parents. Perhaps these were done in a fit of teenage angst and rage, or perhaps she took the time to map out all possible outcomes and thought the pros outweighed the cons.
Oh well, any way you slice it, Micaela Schäfer's heart shaped nipples certainly make her stand out from the crowd. Lord knows it's not her publicist who arranged for this Baywatch parody that's about as fresh as a Foghat concert. Seriously? This had to have been planned before that awful movie came out this summer and bombed. Otherwise it makes zero sense.
Image Credit: Boobswatch (2017)