bill-swift - March 10, 2012
The Spring movie period is upon us with a whole mess of major films hitting the theaters in the next few weeks to capture the school break weeks of movie time watching, cinephiles loves this time of year, and there's never a better time to check in with our friends at Mr. Skin for an addendum of the skintastic available on the big and little screens this weekend.
This week's Mr. Skin Minute includes Lynn Collins, who stars in John Carter this weekend, but provided much more exposed acting in True Blood, a general shoutout to the nekkid women-folk of Game of Thrones now available on DVD, as well as a Blu-Ray opening for Demi Moore, who before the starvation and the Whip-Its, was once a top of her game sextastic thespianic in her topless role in Striptease. Enjoy.