bill-swift - November 26, 2015
I'm getting into leather these days, but not in the way I wish I were, as into the leather trousers as the Brits call them of super hotties like Natalia Phillips who want nothing more than to turn the gentleman ogler into a quivering pile of desire. Speaking for myself, Natalia, it's working.
The brunette glamour model with the spectacular organic orbs chose leather and stockings and one easily removed top as her method of torture for today. It's not with forethought or knowledge of how the men of the species react to such a stripping down from the rawhide. It's quite the spectacular response. Tingles, followed by elation, followed by remorse. Just kidding about the remorse part. Natalia, keep on doing that voodoo that you do with your funbags so well. It's quite inspiring. I think I feel a poem about leather and lace coming on. Does anyone know of a word that rhymes with explosive orgasm? Just checking. Enjoy.
Photo Credit: Only Tease
Natalia and her natural natties are inspiring to the core!