aldo-vallon - July 19, 2018
In light of recent events, I think it is time for Vanessa to change her last name to Sixxxtentacion. In the biz we call that production value. People will still be googling that rapper for at least another two weeks, which should make it a very lucrative investment of her time and money. All it takes is for a small percentage of googlers to misspell what they are searching for and then, BAM, they have seeked their way into the loving legs of Vanessa.
I am assuming of course that her present last name of Sixxx does not hold any sentimental value. The last thing I want is to offend her family name and wake up tomorrow with an angry email telling me that her great grandpappy was one of the signers of the U.S. constitution. And to be honest, she could be bluffing and I still would not have the confidence to call her on it. I only know like five signers and the rest of them had such sloppy handwriting that it could say just about anything. Who am I to claim that we do not owe the prosperity of this nation to Vanessa Sixxx.