aldo-vallon - June 29, 2018
Sophie Dalzell is a true role model for little girls everywhere. I think the right word to apply here is fearless. That seems to be the current buzzword that is getting thrown around by everyone in the media. People are fearless for the clothes they wear. They are fearless for the tweets they send out. They are fearless for living with persistent dandruff.
That last one hasn’t really caught on yet, but I wish it would. Healthy scalped people do not understand the struggle of a man with flaky hair. It takes real courage to not wear a hat at all times, but is there an awareness month for my people? No. We are just slighted
People have gotten so fearless that I am starting to suspect there is actually something in the water. Maybe those conspiracy theorists were right all along about fluoride. But to be honest, it does not seem to be as debilitating as they led us to believe. I only wish its effects were a little bit stronger. I would gladly trade my cowardice in order to have healthy teeth. Name one thing cowardice has ever done for me, aside from letting that Nazi stab my friend during WWII.
Photo Credit: Splash News / Twitter / Pacific Coast News