bill-swift - October 12, 2013
You made it. I made it. We all made it to Friday. The single most blessed day of the seven options. They day from whence dreams stem. I recently heard some nerd exclaim that people who idolize the weekend are people that take no joy in their work week. I punched that nerd right in his Fantastic Four Issue 3 mint in wrapper.
I dig my job. I ever so dig my weekends. Granted, I aim to see sweet delicious funbags with the same gusto in either venue. That might have something to do with it. As an example, the sweet melon treats of gloriously hot Sabine Jemeljanova in Front magazine. Sabine isn't just topless, she's benevolent. She's giving. How can you not love this sextastic lady-filled planet every single day of the week? Thank God It's Funbags!