rusty-mattis - August 17, 2018
There's just something about the H at the end of Sarah. Don't know what it is, but it drives me wild. It's like the Sarah's with an H are just hotter than the other non-H Saras. Not saying the non-H Saras aren't sexy, far from it, but the H just doesn't for me. Does that mean I have thing for the letter H or for all the sexy Sarahs out there in the world? Let's count down so sexy Sarahs and find out.
Sarah with a H is a pretty common name so it's not all that surprising that there are more than ten hotties with that name. I know when I close my eyes and think about the name Sarah my mind gets flooded with some of the sexiest celebs out there today. Hell, you could say my mind overflows with Sarahs and that is a sexy sea I would gladly drown in. Though, I don't want to drown, drowning is scary. Okay, let's shake off those fears with some of the sexiest Sarahs.
So, it's not the H, it's the hotness that comes with being named Sarah. So many Sarahs, so little time.
photos via Mr. Skin.