brian-mcgee - December 13, 2018
When Vivian Lamolli's bare breasts are on screen in Bodied, anything I might add to that is irrelevant. This is sort of an impossible assignment because how am I supposed to keep the attention of a reader who has had the promise of Vivian Lamolli naked dangled in front of them?
It's a fool's errand is what it is, and try as one might, one simply cannot hold the attention of someone who has been told they can see Vivian Lamolli's breasts when they click away from my ramblings. Oops, I've said too much. Now they know that I know that they don't pay attention to anything I write.
In the future, I'm going to use the space provided to be in a gallery of pics of Vivian Lamolli topless in Bodied for a better purpose. One that may further the advances of mankind into a bold new age of gods and monsters.
While I'm working on that, please stop waiting to check out Vivian Lamolli's beautiful bare breasts in Bodied. It's what you've been waiting the last few minutes for, provided you read at a third grade level, that is. Not an insult, just a fact. Have a nice day. Enjoy!